Spread across 2 nights, join us in revelling in the riff, worshipping blast beats, and get the pit going to 14 INSANE bands from NZ and Australia
Flaming Wreckage - Thrash Metal (AUS) Methchrist - Blackened Death (DUN) Order Of Diptera - Dissonant Death Metal (Chc/Inv/PNrth) Slave Cadaver - Carcass worship Death/Grind (Wlg) Metal Tower - Blackened Death Metal (Gis/Wlg/Chc) Depths - Deathcore/Death Metal (PNrth/Wlg) Flesh Merchant - Groove Metal (Gis) Utilize The Remains - Slamming Brutal Death Metal (DUN) SAWNOFF - Beatdown/Hardcore (Tasman) Darktide - Deathcore/Beatdown (Auckland) BORER - Doom/Sludge (Chc) Men An Tol - Black Metal (Chc) FVKVSHIMA - Death/Groove (Wellington) Locked In Stasis - Metalcore/Deathcore (Chc)